Diagnosing all heavy equipment, agricultural equipment, and diesel trucks.
call or text (209)373-6996
email: ed@edsondiagnostic.com

From trucks to generators to diesel water pumps for irrigation, loaders, blades, backhoes, they all have a very similar exhaust system these days. The emissions requirements are so strict that every manufacturer has had to over-engineer their equipment’s exhaust system to comply. I have spent years learning about how these systems work and encountering many common problems with them.

Parts for these systems can be very expensive. I’ve replaced faulty NOX and Lambda sensors that cost over $700! With these kind of costs, just changing parts and guessing is not an affordable option. It is crucial to get the right diagnosis to keep parts costs minimal. By double checking sensor readouts, pinning out harnesses, and checking software compatibility we can ensure a correct diagnosis which means your equipment back out on the road or in the field making money rather than in the shop running up a huge bill.

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